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Monday, December 11, 2006

Posture Perfect

Good posture is not simply a matter of keeping your shoulders straight; it’s about using your body correctly to perform all tasks. By learning and realising the value of maintaining a correct posture you can ensure yourself a strain-free, life with no aches and pains. Do you know why posture is so important?

Importance of a correct posture

A correct posture maintains the right equilibrium for our bodies preventing us from any from of stress or strain due to unequal distribution of body weight. A healthy neck supports your head, thereby keeping it aligned with the rest of the body this results in proper balanced posture. The importance of a balanced back lies in the fact that when you back is aligned no extra muscles are required for task performance. Correct posture is important at all times especially during movement. And, with the right kind of alignment, your internal organs have room to function normally and blood circulates freely for best total fitness.

The ideal posture

An ideal posture is that in which the body is stable and the centre of gravity runs right down the middle. Such kind of an alignment minimises stress and strain, at rest and during movement.

Sit right and stand straight

Are you one of those people who experience pain in the neck or back because of prolonged sitting and/or standing. Yes, I know it’s a part of your job (most of the time) but here’s a way to do it right,

  • Keep your feet flat against the floor
  • Try not to sit crossed legged, (even if it’s not lady like)
  • Keep minimum distance between you and your computer
  • Always make sure that your shoulders and ears are in line with each other
  • Relax, stretch and take as many breaks as possible
  • Most importantly, don’t ever slouch

While standing try to maintain the following,

  • Stand straight; keep your shoulders back and your stomach pulled in, (this also helps to hold in reduce that nasty paunch)
  • Always maintain the natural curves of your spine
  • Avoid locking of the knees
  • Spread your legs such that the gap between your feet is equal to your shoulder width
  • If you have to stand for a prolonged period of time rest one foot higher than the other and alternate every half hour

Get the right kind of rest

  • Try using a relatively firm mattress such that your back gets enough support. No point resting if you’re gonna strain your back
  • If you’re one of those who sleep on their back then get a pillow and place it under your knees for the right support
  • Of course, if you lie on your side then bend your knees and stick a pillow between your legs, it may sound vulgar but who’s watching you while you sleep
  • If you’re a ‘lie flat on your stomach’ kind of person then place a pillow under your stomach. Don’t worry you’ll probably get use to it

Never spare a bender

  • If you have to bend down and pick something up, don’t just bend over and do it, that way you’ll only be straining your back. Wanna know the right way,
  • Stand close to the object and bend only at knees and hips
  • Make sure your back is straight at all times
  • Let your legs do all the lifting

Stand up, stand right

It is necessary to stand correctly if your work requirements are as such. To avoid those nagging back aches after work, here are a few tips to take away the pain,

  • I’m sure you don’t need to be told this but anyway, avoid standing for prolonged sessions.
  • If for some reason you really don’t have a choice then raise one foot above the other and rest it on a stool. Make sure you alternate your feet every half hour.
  • Try to stand on a firm cushioned mat.
  • I know they look good but, try to avoid high-heeled shoes if you know you’re gonna be standing for a while.
  • When standing whether for short periods or long periods of time, always keep your weight balanced equally on both legs.

Tricks of the trade, while you’re working

The chair:

The seat height of your chair should be such that your knees bend at 90 degrees, and the depth should be such that you can fit in completely knee up.

Always make sure that you have enough space to sit. Nothing is more uncomfortable than a tight fit.

Maintain an armrest such that it is a little higher than your elbow if it were bent at 90 degrees

The computer

Keep your computer directly in front of you and look down on it. A laid back attitude never did you any good at work.

Keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle. But hey! Don’t forget to relax.

Rest your wrists whenever you can. It’s all in the wrist they say!

The Desk:

Your desk should be a place that makes you comfortable, so keep its height such that it’s a few inches above your bent elbow.

Keep all accessories (phone, memo pad, schedule book, etc) within easy reach.

Sit at your desk such that you don’t have to bend at your waist. Because bending at the waist not only gives you a backache, but also gives you a paunch.

Remember this is where you work, where you spend your entire day. So feel good about sitting there.

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